Tuesday, November 30, 2010

*one* & *the other*

one is leisurely and fun & the other is hurried and uncomfortable
one makes my skin tan and lush & the other makes my skin pink and wind-burned
one makes me feel strong and able & the other makes me feel weak and out-of-shape
one usually lasts hours & the other lasts only just about an hour
one i love & the other i don't care for
"one" is summer riding & "the other" is winter riding
Tomas & I went for a bike ride Sunday.
It. Was. So. Cold.
I wore:
double pants,
double shirts,
double hoodies,
fuzzy gloves,
and my
miss the
of my
bike gloves,
neon tank top,
my LIVESTRONG bracelet
oh, Summer...miss you.
i might just have to resort to
indoor activities:
running on the tread,
salsa-dancing lessons,
What are your plans to stay
active this winter season coming up?
any motivation to keep at it??
for me,
it's New Year's Eve
...you know it's right around the corner...

Monday, November 29, 2010


this little
[sometimes pathetic]
freshman blog HERE
reached an
viewers this weekend
i'm unsure how or why
this happened,
but i'm glad it did
to those of
you reading who
were part of that first 1,000
to those of
you reading who
are now part of that "+"
thank you
appreciate your presence HERE
...like, to the MAX
to celebrate the
my *2010* is HERE
here are
some of my most shining
moments of
that might
have gone a little
[my favorite post EVER!]
haa haa!
i hope you enjoyed.
thanks for viewin'.
even if only THIS post.
Happy Monday. Make it good.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

"it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."

"...everywhere *the babies* go..."
in their scrunchy *jingle bell* collars
Tomas goes,
"You bought them those ridiculous collars?"
I said,
"At least I didn't purchase the reindeer antlers."

I think the babies actually like them.
Alejandro does. Look at him above & below.
I think he thinks he's Mufasa, king of the jungle,
with his mighty mane in tow.

Have a great WeeKeND, boops.

I'm going to try to fit in an early-morning autumn bike ride tomorrow.

It'll be my first Sunday off from the Grill in a while, and my first bike ride since Fall started.

...so it's officially Christmas Season, huh?


Thursday, November 25, 2010

*Thanksgiving* Alphabet

some of
the ABCs of
what I'm thankful for:
ART-i-CHOKES! [<--love love love 'em],
Alejandro, apple pie,
apple sauce for pork chops, apples in general,
my Bitt, the *babies*, the *boyf*,
BCBG, blogs & blogging & bloggers like YOU,
Carmen, Crumbs Bake Shop, cupcakes,
Dinah, D.I.Y.'s
eggplant, Elisa, elsie's blog,
the Eighties [80's]
fairs, fallen leaves, flowers,
fake flowers [for my hair],
finding parking right away
Greystroke - the stray mama-cat of
my babies, who had them and loved them 'til she
no longer couldn't
headbands, Halloween, my *heart*,
holding hands
ice cream, integrity
[believe it or not]
the Jersey Shore
kept promises, KEEP CALM and...,
kisses, kitty-breath
...love Maegan, live music, lace, LOL
my *mom*, mopeds, mustaches, MallyBeauty,
Martha Stewart
my Nana,
outdoors, O.P.I.
polaroid cameras, pools, polka dots, porches,
poetry, Pinakbet, Patrick Swayze
Queens, NY - its culture, and diverse population,
rainboots, running, rice crispy treats
Spring & Summer, sisters, sun, *sequins*, stamps,
scrapbooks, Starbucks, squirrels, Salsa dancing,
second chances
teaching, turkeys, tinsel, thrifting
umbrellas, unconditional love, UGGs
vintage, vacations, volleyball
Wonder Woman,
Xerox machines
[you have to be when you're a teacher],
[they're incredibly fun to play]
the Yankees, YouTube,
yard sales,
you - reading this
Zooey Deschanel in YES Man...and 500 Days of Summer
even more.
thank you.
Wishing you a
blessed Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

my *morning*person* self

i was born a complete an utter *morning*person*.
i've noticed recently that this gets me in trouble sometimes
because i tend to do my most enthusiastic *trinket* shopping after i've had a good night's sleep.
this morning, i purchased this
in might be an expense i didn't need,
oh, the possibilities for happiness it will bring!

happy Autumn & Thanksgiving EVE.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

words for ME & my SIS this Tues:

we're both having bad days. my *bitt* & me, that is.

Ralph stepped in to give some helping words, like a cup of hot cocoa in a blizzard.

pic found here.


wish i had more time these days. wish i was done with my thesis. wish...wish...waste?

Monday, November 22, 2010

it's MONDAy. here's two photos just cuz:

i took these two photos
last week
with my Blackberry phone.
*green door*
*brick floor*
i kinda really loved both.
okay, MondayCats...good day.

Friday, November 19, 2010

oh, fortune cookie...

...you did such an excellent job of putting a reminder of my misfortune right there at the tip of my fingers...
...my jagged-edged, need-a-manicure-ASAP, no-time-to-file
the "moving" that this pompous little fortune from my stale-ass cookie
is talking about is the "get moving" on my
fuckin' sham
waste o'time
dumb as dirt
"P" to the "ointless"
thesis paper.
...and no friggin' kidding, fortune cookie,
that once I "get moving" on the damn thing,
my spirits will lift.
because of this thesis paper
looming over my being,
i literally feel guilt
...like full-on double rainbow G-U-I-L-T whenever I
do something enjoyable.
if I'm listening to the new Rihanna CD in my car...on my way to work....GUILT.
I should be thinking about my thesis paper instead.
if I'm blogging, like now...because I fuckin' LOVE to blog...GUILT.
I should be typing up an asinine literature review of my bazillion articles I should have read that still I need to read some of...yeah...instead.
if I'm enjoying the company of my sister or my babies...or my boyfriend...GUILT.
Tremendous guilt.
I should be in my room typing and reading and note-taking and NOT living life.
it's a fuckin' criminal offense.
I am paying some "college",
some "Higher Education" facility,
to rape me of my 20s and make me feel GUILTed for just wanting to be freakin' done already!
...for just wanting to have a classroom already and doing what I know how to goddamn do better than almost everyone I've seen do it!
i'm feeling terribly exhausted. in the brain and in the body.
that's nothing new; see here.
it is unfortunate that thesis papers exist.
...and that I have to write one.
...and that I can't stop thinking about the 150,000,000,000 things I'd rather be doing.
despite all my blubbering, I do wanna wish ya'll a
happy weekend.
for the next month, *WEEKEND* to me means more opportunities I should take to work on this THESIS [I officially hate that word] and if I don't, then more opportunities to get
and depre--
deeper and deeper
[i'm going to need to live vicariously through all of your weekends for the next few weeks]
thanks for reading.
all the way to here.
way cool.
love u.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

26 Things Before I'm 27 // inspired by *miss*elsiecake* herself

some blogs i visit are just oh, so good.
they always give me something positive
and inspirational to walk away from my laptop with.
Elsie's blog: A Beautiful Mess
does that for me on a regular basis.
like me, Elsie has a *November* birthday.
she posted on Monday
about her
above left is her list. above right is her #25: Pink Hair for a little while.
i loved this idea to the MAX.
[the list, i mean. i could never pull off the pink hair]
since I turned 26 only a
mere eight days ago,
I took time out yesterday
to make my own list:
26 Things Before I'm 27
[i'm not as highly ambitious as elsie.
notice my #13: Paint (at least) 10 pictures as opposed to her #27: 100 Paintings...haa haa!]
thanks to *elsie*.

#6: take a BLOGGiNG class, is actually happening today...in NYC...@ The Learning Annex. haa haa! we'll see how that goes.



have a nice Wednes, pumpkin-breads!


...and *elsie*, thank you again, for yet another simple, inspirational, totally do-able project that i will be referring to for the whole next year to come.

thank you thank you thank you.

i adore the blog-o-sphere.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

some *weekend* *birthday* snaps

two bitts in a theater:

a couple of couples posin' in *TimesSquare*:
taken in
ToysRUs - Times Square::
[they were blogged about a week ago here]
Bitt was a sport
and played along with my
nonsensical birthday request
fo' a finger'stache, but
as you can see, above, it was very anti-climactic.
mine's pointing down.
hers is hardly there.
...but nothing i can't fix in post!
a jazzed up finger'stache picture
just because.
hee hee!
the Mario Bittahs!
we loved West Side Story --the movie,
only liked West Side Story -- the Braodway show.
they just changed so much...too much,
and Tony wasn't...Tony.
okay, loud-and-clearers, happy Tues. Do it up right.

Monday, November 15, 2010

*starbucks* coffee-cup wintertime *love* && *single*ladies* HILARITY Monday

starbucks, i think your coffee drinks are DELiSH.
espesh your Cinnamon Dolce Latte.
...and i also think most of the reading i do from off of your to-go cups
are DELiSH as well:
thanks for keeping THIS coffee drinker
tickled and warm and content on some special mornings
that i treat myself to you [...like i did Fride.]
this was on the same cup:
my favorite stories are the ones that start "MY SiSTER AND I..."
have you had your MoNDAy MoRNiNG COFFE yet???
[preferably in a red cup with snowflakes...why does that excite one so??]
...if not,
a single shot
will provide an acceptable
substitute for its caffeine burst.
*single*ladies* HILARITY.
happy Mond.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

we *ice*skated* in Central Park

the boyf took off work,
we hopped on a subway
@ approximately 12:10 p.m. Eastern time
headed to Central Park,
rented some skates,
set off to the sun-drenched,
outdoor ice-rink
this is when
he pretended
he couldn't
ice skate.
he could.
and he video-taped:

you should know i'm a sucker for shoe-shots:





after ice-skating, the boyf needed his LEGO fix:

and then we physically picked up the birthday tickets to the Broadway show we're seeing Saturday:

Yes, yes, and YES!


it was a lovely birthday DAY, even if it was a Tues.

thanks for recapping it with me, lovies.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the most *pURRRRfect* gift from my most *perfect* bitt

my sister couldn't have gotten me a better birthday gift:
they keep my feets toasty,
remind me of the babies,
are just plain hilarious in my opinion.
when first put near the babies:
oh, how unsure of them they were:

after a while, though,
the babies
warmed up to my slippers,
they were friends.
best buddies even!
this pic of
Alejandro and his new *best*buddy*
cracks me up:
reminds me of this commercial
[...and actually, when I play the commercial,
and look at this photo, I wanna die with laughter]
i'm in love with my new slips.

thanks, bitt.


happy hippy hump day, hillbillies!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


yep, it is true.
nothing planned for today.
Tomas took off work so that I wouldn't be alone.
my *bitt* has school 'til late,
my parents are working,
all my teacher-friends have parent-teacher conferences today, all day,
so nobody would be able to come out.
i had planned it to be
just me & the *binos*,
now the *boyf*'s here to keep me company.
how sweet.
below is my simple 26th birthday collage:
it's made up life's simple *materialistic* pleasures
that would make these first few days of 26
in my collage, i have:
belted skirt look, straightened hair, a birthday bouquet, heart-shaped sunglasses, confetti, dainty heels, birthday *cupcakes*, balloons, bubble gum, sparkly eyeshadow,
& floral Doc Martens.
[that last one's a bit unrealistic, but it's my birthday, and realism wouldn't be appropriate]
simple birthday things
that i'm going to treat like a *birthday*scavenger*hunt*
easy breezy.
i want to add one more thing to mix, though.
true birthday happiness, i believe, comes from
the unexpected.
from the silly,
the nonsensical as you
enter a new year of *you*.
that is why
in addition to
trying to come up with
the birthday things above,
i'm going to take a
birthday photograph
a finger mustache!
everyone's doing it.
i don't fully understand why
everyone's doing it, but...it is
unexpected [enough],
it meets all the criteria.
it has to be done.
okay, muttonchops...
i'm off to enjoy the first day of my 26th year best i can
with the boyf and
my two early birthday presents from the universe,
that arrived back in June.
love you readers deeply.
have a happy Tues.

Monday, November 8, 2010


[images from here]
it's drawing near.

i see it coming.

hi, 26.

{{{one corner of my mouth ascends...then the other...}}}

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