"...every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..."
This above line is the essence of why I'm not *uber* enthusiastic about a new year.
I have to admit that I'm not the best with goodbyes, and not the best with change.
New Year's bring on both.
they bring a new beginning,
but I'm not always so *hiphiphorray* about my old beginning's end.
This winter has found me a bit low.
Haa haa! I laugh because every other NewYear'sEve post I've read is like,
"So Excited!" "Bring it on, 2011!" "This year's gonna rock!"
On this present day, I'm just not feeling it.
I've been much lower than I was last winter, so I'm just tryin' to ride through it, do things good for my soul.
So, good for my soul is gratitude.
I have such immense gratitude for all the good and love that was brought into my life this year.
and that
came in
many forms
this year:
learning a new sport: SNOWBOARDiNG!!
here and
oh, and probably my *favorite* from the year was my
Friday, June 11th to Sunday, June 13th weekend,
which was the weekend I got *the babies*:
they have made my *2010* a truly awesome year
I love them so much.
...and with the passing of Dinah, my cat of 18 years, in October,
it was like the universe knew I wouldn't have been able handle it without
the love of some more babies.
they are truly a blessing, and
forever will I be grateful to have them.
*my babies*
In the late part of Summer 2010, I had some killer awesome lazy hot days of BBQ, a trip to Busch Gardens, and then a visit to South Florida to visit one of the most amazing people in my life: my Grandma and then to exciting Key West.
September was the rape of my glorious Summer, the start of the sham-college stress of my thesis class, but I'm grateful for my September because of the beginning of the year subbing moments that cracked me up!
Here and
October was hard from me right off the bat, because I got incredibly sad about
my cat's passing.
I did not expect how hard I took it.
the stress of the thesis
I did manage, however,
One that I'm extremely thankful for, as it was
the first time I dressed up since 2005,
the love and good
continued in November
and then
reached an amazing
1,000 viewers of this *newborn*baby*blog* HERE.
the above is hilarious.
the last page of the really not-that-funny desk calendar I got last year for Christmas.
toodles, lame calendar.
That really is awesome. Awesomeness at its height!
...and now
HERE I am.
...for the last time?
Hmmm...probably yes, or one of the last times.
...AND speaking of love and good that this year has brought with it,
This Blog!
has brought so much brightness and creativity and focus and awareness
in my life, that honestly,
would have floated on by had I not had this baby blog HERE.
thank you, thank you, thank you, readers,
for reading. <--haa haa! [that's the best I got]
I hope you stay tuned in with me...espesh since I'll be bloggin'
on my
*new*blog*...which I'll tell you all about on its launching: TOMORROW!
so yeah.
toodles, 2010.
You were hella good to me, although looking back, it might look to other people as a lame year.
I loved you,
now, with 2011 less than a day away,
I clasp my hands together,
look up to the universe, and say,