Wednesday, January 5, 2011
my *2010* is over...and I'VE MOVED!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
See ya there!
Friday, December 31, 2010
NewYear' arrived so quickly...

- a gorgeous, lazy, filled-with friends, vegetable January 1st of the year
- the completion of Liz Gilbert's *eat*pray*love*
- oh, and probably my *favorite* from the year was my
Friday, June 11th to Sunday, June 13th weekend,
which was the weekend I got *the babies*:

In the late part of Summer 2010, I had some killer awesome lazy hot days of BBQ, a trip to Busch Gardens, and then a visit to South Florida to visit one of the most amazing people in my life: my Grandma and then to exciting Key West.

Happy New Year!
Hope you have an awesome night!
Muah, muah, and muah!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
my *2010* has got *one*day*left*...
I love the sound it makes when it snaps a moment.
[i won't even try to type the sound here.
an onomatopoeia couldn't capture how lovely it sounds.♥]
here the babies were sitting by the window as we were shovelling:
They seem just as confused about what to make of all the snow as the NYC Department of Sanitation did for four straight days!
YA PLOW IT, idiots!


So, my *2010*,
tomorrow's the last day of you.
I might get a little teary-eyed,
but i'll stop once I think of
how my sweet little darling baby girl
looks like Rodney friggin' Dangerfield.
So weird.

[which is only a day away]
is the launch of my

...and gosh darnnit, I've been working all cabin-fevered on it the past few days. I even taught myself some HTML. No joke! You saw these suckers: "♥" all up in this post?
I learned that!
Soooo cool.
I'm excited about it.
Hee Hee.
That's about all for today.
I'll have a post up tomorrow, but if you don't visit, then I wish you whole-heartedly, a resounding
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
...but she's got a friggin' awesome *black*SeQUiNS* maxi shirt!
{{deep sigh}}
i wish it was going to be a bang-zang-a-rang kind of New Year's Eve that I picture in my head, but frankly, this year, it won't be.
the mounds of un-plowed snow contributes;
the place I'm at contributes;
the lack of enthusiasm from friends contributes ["...Let's stay gets crazy out there on NY'sEve..."] ... bunch 'o ninnies!
however...#26: Let. Myself. Be. At. Where. I'm. At.
I've been trying.
plus, my *bitt* is the cutest EVER! ...and got me this for Christmas [in black sequins] which -- if I'm not having that awesome, goin' out NewYear'sEve -- I can still jazz up with a cardigan or blazer...make it happen. ;)
what NewYear'sEVE outfits are ya'll plannin' on rockin'?? ...and what're your plans!?!?!
happyWednesday, ya blog-readin' beautie-pies!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
*crappy*pics* of Krist

...and a spin-around go-chase-it-go mouse toy:
the babies were my mega-gift,
given to me earlier this year, in June,
by the universe almighty.
*heart* my binos *heart*
this was the only pic from my
Aunt & Uncle's house I took:
just laziness/laziness/laziness.
ate and lounged and ate and gamed-it and lounged.
i felt drunk,
but hadn't drank anything.
...and some gifts:
oh yeah...
...and I got my Nikon D3100.
happy Tues, lover duckies!
Monday, December 27, 2010

[8 months old now, btw]
Christmas Eve

[posted about for the first time - a long time ago - here]
underneath those curls
were my new
heart earrin's

curls accompanied by my
kitty-cat ModCloth top
which I spotted
in this post at
the beginning of
the month.

i also love this necklace.
not sure where I bought it, though.

along with my
gold nails:

even on the houses
ten-foot tall wooden soldiers up against your house's Grecian columns??
What's gonna be overkill is the work in the snow I mentioned earlier that's coming my way in later hours of today.
Happy Monday-after-X-mas!
Hope it leaves you chillin'.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
little *blog*GAME*SHOW* for X-mas Eve



okay, so two *binos* down.
what could be

three chubs:

large bottoms.

i kinda hope we see some snowflakes tonight, too.
...but not the *sticking* kind.
'kay. have a blessed one.