i am a *professional procrastinator*
*** * ***
& instead of studying this week,
i made collages in my planner
[you saw one of them in yesterday's post]
*** * ***
here's one i like:
a pretty cool feeling & a pretty cool message:
i most certainly followed
that message while making the collage
[more so than i followed the message
"make yourself smart"
"make yourself prepared for your 4-hour-long uber-important test"]
*** * ***
Oh well.
looking at it now makes me *smile*
so poopyfoo, responsibility!!
*** * ***
send me some
good luck vibes
for my test today!!
*** * ***
Happy, Happy SATurDAY!!

that message while making the collage
[more so than i followed the message
"make yourself smart"
"make yourself prepared for your 4-hour-long uber-important test"]
*** * ***
Oh well.
looking at it now makes me *smile*
so poopyfoo, responsibility!!
*** * ***
send me some
good luck vibes
for my test today!!
*** * ***
Happy, Happy SATurDAY!!
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