Wednesday, December 29, 2010


this year has been my first year of *blogging*
and so last year's NewYear's Eve, when I stumbled
i thought,
"That is NewYear'sEve perfection!"
if my hUMUNgo ass
wouldn't hang out of shorts like those, I'd buy 'em.
so, anyway...I've had my big fat heart set on
for NewYear's.
it everywhere:
Kate Moss's *black*SeQUiNS* cat-suit.
friggin' awesome!
Kimmy K's
Alice+Oliva mini dress
...and I don't know this chick's name,

...but she's got a friggin' awesome *black*SeQUiNS* maxi shirt!



{{deep sigh}}

i wish it was going to be a bang-zang-a-rang kind of New Year's Eve that I picture in my head, but frankly, this year, it won't be.

the mounds of un-plowed snow contributes;

the place I'm at contributes;

the lack of enthusiasm from friends contributes ["...Let's stay gets crazy out there on NY'sEve..."] ... bunch 'o ninnies!

however...#26: Let. Myself. Be. At. Where. I'm. At.

I've been trying.

plus, my *bitt* is the cutest EVER! ...and got me this for Christmas [in black sequins] which -- if I'm not having that awesome, goin' out NewYear'sEve -- I can still jazz up with a cardigan or blazer...make it happen. ;)


what NewYear'sEVE outfits are ya'll plannin' on rockin'?? ...and what're your plans!?!?!

happyWednesday, ya blog-readin' beautie-pies!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your resolutions, and happy new year/blogging anniversary!


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