in celebration of the
1) completion of my killer June college class
2) the end of yet another year of subbing and successful networking,
to treat myself to
a mani/pedi
after work yesterday
buy myself
a fun new
*bike book*:
i needed a book about cycling to read
as one of the bulleted challenges of the
second round of the LGRaB Summer Games
first round completed challenges blogged about here and here]

i chose this book because
i'm obsessed with
language, and how people put into words
feelings & thoughts on things i love.
in short, i love quotes. more specifically, i love good quotes,
and so many of them about biking are found
in this little *lasagna square* of a book.
i also thought,
rather than a book i'd have to read cover to cover
to gain the full story and/or message/plot,
i could pick this up whenever to
get a quick dose of inspiration,
now i have a resource for
many many *bike quotes*
[categorized by bike-topic]
to use in future posts.
i even brought the book out to dinner last night
where the boyf and i took turns reading to each other,
laughing at the oh-so-true snippets.

in between reading,
we noshed on reeeeaaaally bland chicken francese:

chicken parmesan:

sucks when food looks good, but sucks.
later on,
i read some more in bed.
for atmosphere. hee hee.

first quote i thought
i'd share:
"Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short, as you feel. But ride." --
Eddy Merckx***
and here's my
*special treat*
Can you guess the name of the nail polish color??Is it:a) too cool for school busb) too intense mac'n'cheesec) mango loverd) pull over taxie) banana explosionf) okay O.J. g) egg yolk
h) cheesey doodles
What'd'ya think??!!??!!
P.S. --
the babies are eating like champs,
and are getting so big!

okay. that's it.
Friday, Friday, loviedovies.