a larger-percentage of the time
than i do on my tush
...or on my face...[deep sigh]...

many laughs and many triumphs
by sunday morning

i *hope* you will be praying for me
a happy
my very first BLOG. (yay.) warmed-up in decemeber 2009. officially started in *2010*. ended *2011*.
all though your day can get hectic
and all over the place, I encourage you to find
steady breath and a sense of
for me, it will come in the form
of remembering these words I read in
*eat pray love* yesterday:
we're leaving Friday, coming back Sunday
it's going to be:
Tomas & I,
Jamina & Lev
Michelle & Dan
Steph & Cezar
Damian, and maybe Romain.
should be a good time**
Have any advice for me, reader?
i've never been skiing
there might be some snowboarding
but I'm sure there will be a ton of snow being jammed in my face,
upon the inevitable falling and rolling, of course.
**should be a good time even though there's been recent drama with one of the couples listed above. it's not for me to say here, but maybe worthy of another post one day. maybe not. i just hope the weekend doesn't end in catastrophe. [crossing my fingers]
i like the idea of this post b/c i friggin' looove *photobooths*
wit a passion. they demand you to be silly & in-the-moment
miss it. love it. can't get enough of it.
up to page 30, the book's a good read. I want to read on, so how much better can it get? My favorite part so far has been *on page 24* when she talks about loving every minute of 'learning herself' Italian.
Gilbert writes that after her Italian classes she signed up for she would
"slosh home through the rain...draw a hot bath, and lie there in the bubbles reading the Italian dictionary aloud to [herself]...just speaking the words made [her] feel sexy and happy."
This makes *ME* happy because I'm from Italian decent, but lately...I don't know...I've been indifferent about it. Actually, I've always been indifferent about it.
I want to be Asian, I think.
I cannot pinpoint why this is so, and it's not like I'm ashamed to be Italian, but I guess I kinda feel like i'm not Italian. my family doesn't speak it, so I don't. We eat plenty of it, and cook just as much lasagna as the next group-a *pisanos*, but...my mom and dad are from Queens.
I've never been to the homeland. I dream that when I do go to Italy, it'll all *click*, but Queens, NY is the culture I most identify with, and quite frankly, a lot of Italian people are just so high on the fact that they can call themselves "ITALIANO" even though they really don't know what that means.
(don't get me started on the MTV show Jersey Shore. don't even.)
I don't wanna be one of them.
page 24 of *eat pray love* however, struck a chord because here's a woman who appreciated something about my background so admiringly that I was proud to be of that background.
does that make sense?
(deep sigh.)
Gilbert writes
"Just speaking those words made me sexy and happy. My divorce lawyer told me not to worry; she said she had one client (Korean by heritage) who, after a yucky divorce, legally changed her name to something Italian, just to feel sexy and happy again."
reading this, my loves, made me grin from *ear to* droopy-lobed *ear*. I have a very Italian last name, and sadly, but honestly, it took this line in the book to change my perception of it.
I looked up from the book, said my own last name in my head and - for the first time ever - felt somewhat sexy and happy about it.
i'll keep reading.
If you've read it, check back HERE regularly and we'll BLOGGY-TAWK about it.
I suppose that's all for now.
Take care.
enjoy your *wednesday*
above: mmmm...Italian-style artichokes (my favorite)
above: groundbeef torta with cucumber/tomato salad
above: our *easter* perogies, before frying
above: mmmm...our *easter* perogies after frying
more to come in 2010...stay tuned...
but while you're waiting,
think of these questions:
What was the last meal you made yourself?
What dish have you cooked yourself that you're most proud of?
What's one dish/food that you'd like to try this year?
What's your all-time favorite meal ever of life?
i *heart* food chat
i *heart* any chat
Happy Monday!
(picture found at weheartit.com)